
Directive for instantiate a responsive lazy loading carousel from a JSON.
Available as bower component for your project:

$ bower install rl-lazy-carousel

Add lazy-carousel.js and lazy-carousel.css to your project from bower package


Add rl.lazy-carousel as a depency of your App:


Then lazy-carousel directive is ready. Remember to add a source attribute that link to a JSON file. Example:

<div lazy-carousel data-source="path_to_your_json"></div>

Json file by source attr

Lazy Carousel use a JSON file to generate automatically a carousel of images:

  "items" : [
      "img": "",
      "alt" : "Angular JS framework"
      "img": "",
      "alt" : "Yeoman!"
      "img": "",
      "alt" : "I'm a bird, my name is Bower"
      "img": "",
      "alt" : "Node.js"
      "img": "",
      "alt" : "Hey, Github is here!"
      "img": "",
      "alt" : "slurp! gulp!"